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ISBN: 13: 978-1496079183


In a world that desperately needs HOPE because of the adversities and challenges of life, there is a dependable HOPE you can anchor onto irrespective of your circumstance, profession and nationality. This book is a practical, encouraging, faith- strengthening, challenging and empowering manual of Hope for our times. It unveils God’s master plan to redeem, heal, restore and transform lives and nations based on God’s Integrity and word. It reveals how to overcome the battles of life, how your hopes can be fulfilled and challenges the body of Christ to realign and position itself in discipling the nations.

KINGDOM LIFESTYLE QUOTES: Renew Your Mind – Transform Your Life


ISBN-13: 978-1496192370


"Kingdom Lifestyle Quotes” is a collection of quotes taken from books and articles written by the author and topics he has spoken on.

This book is meant to inspire, equip and empower the reader with short but easy to remember quotes that will help the reader to develop a Christ-like mind and attitude which can lead to a transformed life.


Rom.12: 2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (emphasis mine).”


"A renewed mind leads to a transformed life." - Eric  N. Supen


ISBN-13: 978-1499335583


"Against All Hope-In Hope Believe Quotes” is a collection of quotes taken from the author’s memoirs and book, “Against All Hope-In Hope Believe.”This book is meant to inspire, equip and empower the reader with short but easy to remember quotes that will help the reader, to develop a Christ-like mind and attitude which can lead to a transformed life.


Rom.12: 2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (emphasis mine).”


“A renewed mind leads to a transformed life.”-Eric N. Supen

KINGDOM LIFESTYLE: Experiencing Kingdom Life through the Power of Applying Truth, Meditation and Declaration




“Kingdom Lifestyle” is written to empower, equip, train and coach the reader to experience abundant life in quantity and quality. Woven throughout this book are short write-ups of life impacting themes, Biblical truths and quotations to be applied in meditation and declarations.


â–ºBreakthrough, Discipleship, Do Not be Afraid

â–º Kingdom Priority, Kingdom Governance

â–º The Holy Spirit, The Power of Forgiveness

â–ºThe Power of the Truth, The Victorious Mindset


ISBN-13: 978-1496043061, ISBN-10: 1496043065  


There are people hurting around us and some of the challenges they are going through are very real. "Turning point," is a collection of short transformational stories of fiction and real-life, written to encourage people and nations to have hope and not to give up on that hope because of personal, corporate and global challenges. It inspires people to be hopeful for change and to practically get involved in addressing the challenges impacting our world. The transformational stories include:


* Author’s personal experience with armed robbers.


* Adebola's narrow escape from human trafficking as he discovered his life purpose in the midst of his turning point--becoming a social reformer (fiction).


*  Pappy's true life story; his escape from rebel recruitment, living on the streets, experiencing a turning point and making a difference using the medium of short stories and film production.



THE VICTORIOUS KINGDOM QUOTES:Renew Your Mind-Transform Your Life


ISBN-13:  978-1505875720, ISBN-10: 1505875722 


"The Victorious Kingdom Quotes” is a collection of quotes taken from the author’s book, “The Victorious Kingdom.” This book is meant to inspire, equip and empower the reader with short but easy to remember quotes that will help the reader, to develop a Christ-like mind and attitude which can lead to a transformed life.


Rom.12: 2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (emphasis mine).”


“A renewed mind leads to a transformed life.”-Eric N. Supen


KÖNIGLICH LEBEN: Entdecke einen königlichen Lebensstil durch das Meditieren und Proklamieren der Wahrheit Gottes


ISBN-13: 978-1507648070


“Königlich leben” soll dazu dienen, seine Leser zu befähigen, auszubilden und einzuüben, überfließendes Leben in Qualität und Quantität zu erfahren. Es setzt sich zusammen aus kurzen Impulsen lebensverändernder Themen, biblischen Wahrheiten und Zitaten zur Meditation und Proklamation. Einige Themen sind:


â–ºDurchbruch, Nachfolge, fürchte dich nicht

â–º Königliche Prioritäten, königlich regieren

â–º Der Heilige Geist, die Kraft der Vergebung

â–ºDie Kraft der Wahrheit, siegreiches Denken


RELEASING THE KINGDOM: Exercising your rights and authority as a child of God for heaven to invade earth


ISBN-13: 978-1514672297


There is a spiritual and natural battle going on, that has been defining identity, family, marriage, leadership, business, government, education etc. and shaping cultures. However, the Believer and the Body of Christ should not be at the mercy of these negative battles. We have been given rights and authority to exercise for heaven to invade earth and restore things back to God's original design and function. 


"Releasing The Kingdom," is written for people to engage God through reading, meditation, prayer and obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, in order to experience heaven on earth. Your Kingdom come Lord, and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus' name. Amen.


ISBN: 13: 978-1500779887 


There is a direct or indirect spiritual and natural battle declared against humans. It is a battle in which worldviews clash and seek to determine what is true and what the TRUTH is; who we are, what we do and how we should live. It impacts society negatively sometimes and seeks to influence and shape destinies, identities, sexuality, family, careers and other important aspects of life.


With all of the hopeless, difficult and sometimes evil challenges impacting people and nations, there is hope for humans. The kingdom of God is a “VICTORIOUS KINGDOM” and humans can receive godly solutions to their natural and spiritual battles. The battle raging over all of life is one that should concern the Body of Christ. We have been given the armor of God and entrusted with spiritual authority to invade darkness, wage warfare, conquer and recover what is rightfully our inheritance. We are agents of change with a calling to impact and influence society from a biblical Christian worldview.





ISBN-13:978-1534974951, ISBN-10:1534974954


Eric N. Supen, presents a cutting edge, relevant and empowering book, in an era, where people can be influenced by fear or impacted by hopelessness or lose their sense of direction for the future because of SEASONS OF CHANGE.

Seasons of change may include leadership changes in an organization, unexpected health problems, getting married, becoming wealthy, or the unfolding of global events such as the refugee crisis, national or regional wars, global financial crisis or the BREXIT; an acronym used to describe the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum which resulted in an overall vote to leave the European Union.

“BREXIT-SEASONS OF CHANGE,” inspires HOPE to overcome FEAR, and calls individuals, families, corporate organizations, government establishments, and nations to take up the LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE and COURAGEOUSLY navigate through their seasons of change.





ISBN-13:978-1537141664, ISBN-10:153714166X


We are living in pivotal times and God is calling every believer and the Church to a lifestyle of prayer--prayers that can change the trajectory of lives and nations. Prayer functioned as the major part of Jesus' life and He modeled a lifestyle of prayer that gave Him Kingdom solutions for earthly problems. Friendship with God and growing in intimacy with His Heavenly Father were the foundational blocks to His lifestyle of answered prayer. This also should be the calling of the believer and the church.


KINGDOM-DRIVEN PRAYERS - PRAYER WORKS! is a book that will ignite a hunger to see God move mightily through your prayer life. The book challenges unbelief and useless religious trends and calls the church to break off from the religious mindset and become salt and light throughout society, a church of prayer and action. Some jewels of the book include Kingdom concepts, activation prayers, biblical case studies on forms of prayers and why the prayers worked, and empowering testimonies of prayers that worked. This book will propel you toward the lifestyle of God's heroes - a fulfilled life of answered prayers.



Königliches Leben Zitate: Erneuere dein Denken - Verändere dein Leben


ISBN-13: 978-1508535720, ISBN-10: 1508535728


„Königliches Leben Zitate“ ist eine Sammlung von Zitaten aus dem vom Autor verfassten Buch „Königlich Leben.“ Dieses Buch soll den Leser inspirieren, ausrüsten und bevollmächtigen mithilfe der kurzen und leicht zu merkenden Zitate, ein Christus-ähnliches Denken und Einstellung zu entwickeln, welche zu einem verändertem Leben führen.


Römer 12,2 sagt: Passt euch nicht den Maßstäben dieser Welt an. Lasst euch vielmehr von Gott umwandeln, durch Erneuerung eures Denken. Dann könnt ihr euch ein sicheres Urteil bilden, welches Verhalten dem Willen Gottes entspricht, und wisst in jedem einzelnen Fall, was gut und gottgefällig und vollkommen ist.“

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